Apiary Set-Up
Service Description
Apiary Setup is exciting but can also seem overwhelming. It is a great option to have an experienced beekeeper help you get your apiary set up with as little stress as possible for you and your new bees. This service varies on a case-by-case basis and depends on each individual's different needs. This can include mapping the location of your apiary, placing hive boxes, walking through all needed equipment, and, if already obtained, placing honeybees. This also includes the endless wealth of beekeeping knowledge from Crissy, so have a plethora of questions to pick her brain. ----- Let's talk about pricing. Apiary Setup is up to two hours of one-on-one time with Crissy in Taylor County (30 minutes around Abilene) at a flat rate of $75. For locations outside Taylor County or farther than 30 minutes from Abilene. An additional mileage fee of $40 will be charged for each half-hour away from Abilene. This is based on using the IRS Standard Mileage Rate in Texas for 2024 at $0.67 per mile. 30 Minutes - Taylor County - $115 Within 1 hour from Abilene - $155 1 1/2 hour - $195 2 hours - $235 2 1/2 hours - $275 3 hours - $315 Apairy setup is a very individualized situation. If you have any questions about what will go into your one-on-one, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to speaking with you!
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 48 hours before event.
Contact Details
210 Foothill Road, Abilene, TX, USA